Project „Identification and Monitoring of Contaminated Soils using Innovative Methodology“ – MCSoil has reached its final stage of implementation
The implementation of the project started in July 2019. The project is a joint initiative of the RES Cluster and association Center for Medical Herbs and Berries “AMBROZIJA” – Republic of North Macedonia and is being implemented under the IPA CBC Programme between Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020 (CCI No 2014TC16I5CB006).
The project‘s initiatives were aimed at assessing the specific needs of the region about the mapping of existing and potential soil contamination. The main project activities were aimed at the environmental protection through identification and monitoring of contaminated areas and nature protected areas using an innovative methodology. The pilot tool for soils samples collection, processing, analyzing and data representation, is based on innovative geophysical methods for cost-effective, sensitive and fast evaluation of the environmental quality of soils.
The main advantage of this new methodology is its high sensitivity and possibility for smart adaptation of the method according to the respective site and the existing problem. Also, this method is much faster and cheaper than the traditionally used chemical analysis.
All of that has contributed to the increase of the awareness of the representatives of the target groups and other stakeholders about the state of the soil resources in the cross-border region of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia, as well as it has impacted on improving of the resource management efficiency with regard to soils
The project team of association “Renewable Energy Sources Cluster” express their gratitude on the interest and active involvement of the partners and the participants in the project’s initiatives throughout the whole period of the implementation of project „MCSoil”.