Final Conference of Project MCSoil

Presentation of the results from the application of innovative methodology for identification and monitoring of contaminated soils

Location: Pehcevo, North Macedonia

  Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

Date:  09-10.10.2020

We are pleased to invite you to the Final Conference of the project Identification and monitoring of contaminated soils using innovative methodology “- MCSoil, that have been implemented by the Association Ambrozija from Pehcevo, in partnership with the Cluster for Renewable Energy Sources from Blagoevgrad, with financial support of the EU – Interreg IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program, Bulgaria-North Macedonia CCI № 2014TC16I5CB006.

The results of the project activities and the application of an innovative methodology for monitoring of polluted soils will be presented at the Final Conference.

The event will be held on October 9 and 10, 2020, starting at 11:00 AM in Gogov Hotel in Pehchevo.

Due to the restrictive measures, the participants from Bulgaria will follow the event at the same time in Korona Hotel in Blagoevgrad, with established online communication between the two locations.

During the realization of the event, all measures for protection against spread and prevention of Covid 19 that are in force will be implemented, in accordance with the current legislation in the Republic of North Macedonia and in the Republic of Bulgaria.