Invitation for participation in specialized training in innovative method for identification and monitoring of contaminated soils and results of its application

A training on presentation of the innovative method for identification and monitoring of contaminated soils, as well as the results of its application within the project activities will be hold within the project Identification and monitoring of contaminated soils using innovative methodology “- MCSoil implemented by the Association Ambrosia, in partnership with the Cluster for Renewable Energy Sources. The project is implemented with financial support from European Union  trough through the INTERREG-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria-Northern Macedonia.

The training will be held in the period from 24 to 26 September 2020, in the hotel “Gogov” in Pehchevo.

During the realization of the training, all measures for protection against spread and prevention from Covid – 19 that are in force will be observed, in accordance with the current legislation in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Please confirm your participation on the training no later than September 22, 2020 by filling out the electronic application at the following link

Association Ambrozija

Pehchevo, Republic of North Macedonia