Road map for magnetic susceptibility screening of soils

As part of the activities of project „Identification and Monitoring of Contaminated Soils using Innovative Methodology“, with acronym MCSoil, it was developed а road map for magnetic susceptibility screening for development and implementation of a new methodology for identification and monitoring of contaminated soils. The main goal of the document is to be developed a detailed road map, comprising the important steps and necessary guidelines for producing a standard research protocol for magnetic susceptibility screening as a reliable instrument for detection of soil pollution. Soil testing and monitoring will be carried out using a specialized and up-to-day equipment for field measurements, which is designed for rapid, reliable and cost-effective assessment of the magnetic susceptibility.  The road map is elaborated consistent with the natural soil conditions in the both regions. It describes the exact methodology which will be used for assessment of the pollution. This methodology will be strictly followed during the measurements of the magnetic susceptibility of the soils in the selected areas. The four areas within the cross-border region, which have been found suitable for the implementation of the innovative methodology, were defined based on the findings in the country assessment report developed within the project as well.  The road map is the strategic plan that defines the goals and desired outcomes and includes the major steps needed to reach it.

The full text of the document is available here.