In July 2019, has started the implementation of project “Identification and Monitoring of Contaminated Soils using Innovative Methodology” acronym “MCSoil”. The project is a joint inititative of the RES Cluster and association Center for Medical Herbs and Berries “AMBROZIJA” – Republic of North Macedonia and is being implemented under the IPA CBC Programme between Republic of Bulgaria and Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020 (CCI No 2014TC16I5CB006).
The project duration is 15 months /July 2019 – October 2020/. Three are the main target groups which MCSoil project seeks to reach: research organizations dealing with environmental protection, national and regional/local authorities responsible for soil monitoring and protection, and the general public.
The project is aimed at assessing the specific needs of the region about the mapping of existing and potential soil contamination and at increasing of the awareness about the state of the soil resources in the partner countries, and impact on improving of the resource management efficiency with regard to soils”. The specific objective of the project is the implementation of environmental screening and monitoring of soils using innovative methodology as a pilot tool.
The main result of the MCSoil project will be an assessment of the specific needs of the region about the mapping of existing and potential soil contamination. This will contribute to greater awareness about the state of the soil resources in the partner countries and for an improved resource management efficiency with regard to soils.
This web-site is co-funded by EU trough the INTERREG – IPA CBC Programme CCI 2014TC16I5CB006
This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union trough the INTERREG – IPA Cross-border Programme CCI 2014TC16I5CB006. The contents of this web site are the sole responsibility of the association Renewable Energy Sources Cluster and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries and the Managing Authority.